• Discounts

    Telematics and UBI: the most common questions

    You come to a full stop at every stop sign, you never speed through yellow lights, and you always obey the speed limit. If this sounds like you, you may have wondered why you have to pay the same amount for car insurance as your fellow motorists who can’t seem to follow the rules of the road. The problem is that most people call themselves safe drivers, but how can they prove it? That’s where telematics, or usage-based insurance (UBI), comes in handy. If you have questions about what telematics are, how they work, and how they save you money, keep reading. What is telematics? Telematics refers to a group…

  • Discounts

    How to find car insurance discounts

    Whether you’re saving up for your child’s college fund or hoping to take your dream vacation, finding small ways to save money on your monthly bills can add up to a hefty chunk of change. Lowering your monthly car insurance payment is a great place to start saving. And with car insurance, there are many ways to save, including shopping around for the best price before opening a policy and receiving discounts you are eligible for once that policy has begun. Let’s explore some of the ways you can save money on your car insurance policy from the start and then delve into common discounts to inquire about. Basic ways…

  • Discounts

    Telematics: what is it, and why should you care?

    Car technology is changing rapidly. In another blog post, we talked about some of the innovations that are happening right now when it comes to cars, including self-driving vehicles, biometrics, augmented reality and yes, even cars that talk to each other. In this post, we’re going to take a deep dive into another technology — telematics — and what you should know about this information-sharing tool as both a driver and an auto insurance policyholder. What is telematics? What in the world is telematics? Telematics is one of those words that can be a little bit confusing to grasp, but in reality, the concept is pretty simple. Telematics are used…